Tips, guide and strategy for playing Happy Fish Dream Aquarium on iOS devices

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Shell Game: Cute Baby Seal (Dorky Seal)

Do you realize that a new member has joined Happy Fish Dream Aquarium today? This new member is the super Cute Baby Seal (cute is part of its name). If you check out the Fantastic Activities page, you will see Cute Baby Seal waving happily at you...

Cute Baby Seal is really very cute and animated. I fell in love with this seal straightaway...gosh, wish I could win one right now! How to bring this seal back to your aquarium? You need to fight Dr, Octopus in the Shell Game, either Regular Shell or Gold Shell will do. Cute Baby Seal will most likely be in the Shell Game until 10 April 2015, since it will be available for a month from today. Hurry and catch one Cute Baby Seal (or more) today!

Butterfly Fish is no longer available in the Shell Game, but you can win puzzle fragments of Butterfly Fish in the shells (you cannot win Butterfly Fish directly, but if you collect enough puzzle fragments, you can exchange the fragments for Butterfly Fish). Butterfly Fish has been replaced with Cute Baby Seal in the Shell Game. Are you ready to win this Cute Baby Seal? Do you have enough shell vouchers?? Which game should I try - Regular Shell or Gold Shell?? Hmmm...

If you do not have a lot of shell vouchers, I would advise you to play Regular Shell instead. It would take around 50 to 100 shell vouchers to win the monthly rare fish in Regular Shell. You have an even better chance of winning the Cute Baby Seal with minimum shell vouchers spent if you use my Regular Shell Strategy.

P.S. Please be aware that playing the Regular Shell takes a lot of concentration and time. Do make sure that you are fully rested and in a good mood before you take on Regular Shell. Please do not get upset if Dr. Octopus keeps on appearing - just get out of the Shell Game, do something else and rest awhile. Wait until you are relaxed, then you challenge Dr. Octopus again.

If you do not like to waste your time playing Regular Shell or you have unlimited shell vouchers, you should play Gold Shell instead. In Gold Shell, there is a feature which guarantees you the Cute Baby Seal if you spend 200 shell vouchers. I do not need to use this feature so far, but I have to say that this is a good deal indeed.

Hope to see Cute Baby Seal in your aquarium soon! Happy fishing!

P.S. I had another surprise when I scroll through the list "My Gems" - this Cute Baby Seal is apparently just a description. I suppose the real name is Dorky Seal...although I still prefer Cute Baby Seal.

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Shell Game: Fishbucks Fish in Regular Shell

Happy Fish is a game which requires you to spend a lot of fishbucks if you want to own a lot of cool fishes, or not...Do you know that you are able to win certain fishbucks fish from the Regular Shell? These fishbucks fish are hidden in Shell 4 and Shell 5. These fishbucks fish are in Shell 4 and Shell 5 for good - it is very likely that you will come across them as you try to win the monthly rare fish.

P.S. Please do not confuse the monthly rare fish (or you can call them exclusive fish) with the fishbucks fish mentioned here. The monthly rare fish can only be won in Shell 5, not in Shell 4.

If you win a fishbucks fish in Shell 4, should you stop and collect all your prizes or should you proceed to Shell 5 to win the monthly rare fish? This is a decision which I have to make quite often in the Regular Shell. To solve the problem, I have listed out the number of fishbucks fish which I already won from the Regular Shell. If I do not have many of that particular fishbucks fish, then I will end the round of Regular Shell and collect all my prizes, start another new round. If I think that I have too many of that particular fishbucks fish, then I will go ahead to open Shell 5 and try my luck on the monthly rare fish. Sometimes, I might lose in Shell 5 but Dr. Octopus still rewards me with the fishbucks fish that I won in Shell 4.

Let me tell you what are the possible fishbucks fish to be won from Shell 4 and Shell 5. There are nine of them altogether:
  • Choco Fish (Green)
  • Gold Catfish
  • Green Apple
  • Green Bullet
  • Nightstar
  • Opera Fish
  • Purple Carp
  • Purple Earth
  • Saury Fish (Green)

Here are some graphical description of these fishbucks fish...

Choco Fish (Green) worth 22 fishbucks

Gold Catfish worth 19 fishbucks

Green Apple worth 8 fishbucks

Green Bullet worth 15 fishbucks

Nighstar worth 49 fishbucks

Opera Fish worth 49 fishbucks

Purple Carp worth 17 fishbucks

Purple Earth worth 19 fishbucks

Saury Fish (Green) worth 23 fishbucks
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Daily Stamps: March 2015

Remember to collect your Daily Stamps for at least 28 times this month if you want to get a free Bubble Eye-R! There are 31 days in March - this means that you can only miss 3 days of not collecting your Daily Stamps. The faster you collect your Daily Stamps, the faster you can claim your free fish.

Bubble Eye-R can only be purchased by fish bucks, at the price of 37 fish bucks. Won't you want one for free??
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Monday, March 9, 2015

Shell Game: Regular Shell Strategy

There are a lot of fun activities in Happy Fish, but most of them are rather challenging, and often frustrating. I believe most players would find challenging Dr. Octopus in the Shell Game to be a really really tough matter (myself included). Playing the Shell Game almost always leave me upset, exhausted and frustrated. Is there any way around this Shell Game??

According to Happy Fish's explanation, it is possible to get the exclusive fish in the Shell Game when you have spent roughly 100 to 200 shell vouchers. As for myself, I have ever won the exclusive fish after two or three trials in the Shell Game. I normally spend around 50 to 150 shell vouchers to get the exclusive fish. Sounds interesting? You bet!

If you are like the person described below, please continue to read this post:
  1. You have spent a lot of shell vouchers but you still cannot win the exclusive fish
  2. You are running out of shell vouchers
  3. You have a lot of time
  4. You are calm and patient
P.S. Even if you are not any of the persons described above, you can still read this post :p

The Shell Game is actually divided into two types - Regular Shell and Gold Shell. This post merely focuses on the Regular Shell, since the purpose of this post is to share with players my strategy of getting the exclusive fish by spending the LEAST amount of shell vouchers. If you have unlimited shell vouchers and you do not want to spend so much time in playing the Shell Game, then it is more suitable for you to play the Gold Shell.

You obviously know this already - there are five shells in the Regular Shell, from the smallest shell on the left to the biggest shell on the right. The exclusive fish is only found in the biggest shell on the right, and we will learn how to get there in this post.

Here are the basic rules of my strategy:

Shell 1: You will NEVER hit on Dr. Octopus so just tap on Shell 1 quickly. Do not waste your time here.

Shell 2 to Shell 5
  • You only tap on the shell when you see Dr. Octopus appearing in the shell. If you are not ready and you missed Dr. Octopus when he appears, do not rush. Do not randomly tap on the shell. Wait for the next Dr. Octopus to appear.
  • If Dr. Octopus does not appear within ten seconds, you can choose to tap on the shell instead of waiting for him to appear. It is very likely that at the very moment you tap on the shell, Dr. Octopus suddenly appears! Sometimes though, I just tap on the shell if Dr. Octopus does not appear within ten seconds, and nothing bad happens. You need to observe how the Shell Game reacts to your taps and change your strategy accordingly.
  • Do not always tap on the first Dr. Octopus that you see in each shell. I change my strategy according to the situation. In Shell 2, I tap on the first Dr. Octopus which appears. In Shell 3, I tap on the second Dr. Octopus which appears. In Shell 4, I tap on the third Dr. Octopus which appears. In Shell 5, I tap on the second or third Dr. Octopus which appears. Get the idea?? Start counting!
  • If Dr. Octopus appears within the first second when you proceed to the next shell, do not tap on that Dr. Octopus. Wait for the second Dr. Octopus to appear.
  • If you keep on getting Dr. Octopus, the shells may not be very favourable to you. Stop playing the Regular Shell for awhile. You can choose to continue later or the next day. You have the whole month to try your luck, so do not rush yourself.
  • Do not play Regular Shell if you see Time Fish appears if you want to win the monthly rare fish. If you win a Time Fish from the Shell Game, Happy Fish system considers that you have claimed the "rare fish" and you will need to spend more shell vouchers to get the actual monthly rare fish. Bear in mind that Time Fish is also an exclusive fish, just that it is only available in the Shell Game during weekends.
The most important rule of all is to only tap on the shell when you spot Dr. Octopus appearing on the shell (not applicable in Shell 1 only). Be patient and wait for Dr. Octopus to appear - he normally appears every three to five seconds. If you miss him, wait for a few more seconds. It is better to wait than to hit!

If you see Time Fish appearing in the Shell Game, do not try your luck on the shells, unless you don't mind winning a Time Fish.

My last advice is to play the Regular Shell when you are in a good mood, fully rested and can focus well. Please do not play the Regular Shell if you are sleepy, tired, frustrated or unhappy. You really need a lot of concentration in this game. You do not need to spend five hours in one shot on this game. Sometimes, I stop playing after spending twenty shell vouchers if I am tired. If the Shell Game is giving me a really hard time (keep on hitting Dr. Octopus), I will stop after spending five shell vouchers. It is better to stop awhile, give yourself some time to rest, think about what happened during the game and change your strategy when you play the next round perhaps.
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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Synth Game: Star Fragment Trick

Do you face difficulty in getting the time-limited synth fish each month? Do you feel that it takes too long for the Star Fragment Bar to reach 100 percent before you can claim the fish for free??

What you do not know about the star fragments:
  • One (1) star fragment will increase the Star Fragment Bar by roughly 0.06 percent
  • You need to collect about 1,700 star fragments for the Star Fragment Bar to reach 100 percent
  • The average number of star fragments given each time is twenty (20)
  • You need to play the synth game roughly 85 times before you can get one time-limited synth fish for free
  • If you can play the synth game three times a day, you will be able to get your free within within 29 days
  • If you can play the synth game four times a day, you will be able to get your free fish within 23 days

Enough about those trivia (just some of my observation, please take note that those numbers are merely a rough estimate), please bear in mind that you should be able to get ONE free time-limited synth fish each month. I have yet to get two free fishes so far...unless you are spending fish bucks to overcome the time constraint.

Now, I have something interesting to show you about the star fragments. Do you notice that the number of star fragments given out can range from fourteen (14) to twenty-eight (28)? I am rather disappointed when Dr. Octopus gets stingy with the star fragments. I wish he would give me more star fragments, as that would mean that I can get my free fish much faster. Actually, there seems to be a small trick in making Dr. Octopus to be more generous with the star fragments. Let me give you a quick run through on how I play around with the Synth Game

Over here, I am trying to get the Mysterious Narwhal (a time-limited synth fish). If you notice, I am using Dr. Octopus' formula to synth this fish. Take note of the order of the gems shown below - the moon crescent is on the most left.

As you can see, I am given 22 star fragments when the synth game is completed. Since I am getting more than 20 star fragments (the average), I will continue to use the same order of gems when I run the next synth game.

If you are given 20 star fragments or more, just stick to the same order of gems and start the next synth game, like what I have done below. Take note of the order of the gems shown below - the moon crescent is on the most left.

Oh no! Look over here...Dr. Octopus only gave me 18 star fragments! I need to do something about it...

I have swapped the order of the gems to confuse Dr. Octopus. When you swap the order of the gems, you can do it in any order you prefer - there is no rule to do this. I am actually just trying my luck here, I cannot determine which is the right order of the gems for the next synth game. Take note of the order of the gems shown below - the moon crescent is in the middle now.

The trick worked!! Dr. Octopus got confused and he gave me so much more star fragments this time - 26 star fragments...ain't that great??

This is what you need to remember
  • As long as Dr. Octopus gives you less than 20 star fragments, change/swap the order of the gems before you start the next synth game
  • Continue to change/swap the order of the gems until you are given at least 20 star fragments
  • You can be systematic in changing/swapping the order of the gems, e.g. writing down all the possible combinations and testing each one out (I used to do this, but I'm kinda lazy now)
  • If Dr. Octopus gives you 20 and above star fragments, you can start the next synth game without changing/swapping the order of the gems
  • Please do not blame me if this method does not work for you - it is a game after all and I am not the person who created this game
  • I am sharing this method because it works well for me - I cannot guarantee that it will work for everyone else
Happy fishing and star catching!
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Monday, March 2, 2015

Promo: Eat the Yuanxiao

"Eat the Yuanxiao" is the latest promo activity on Happy Fish (only for iOS players). Yuanxiao, aka "tangyuan", is a popular sweet Chinese dessert made by mixing glutinous rice (this type of rice is sticky) with water, thus forming the sweet rice balls. The Chinese people normally consume them during the Lantern Festival, Winter Solstice, weddings or even family reunions. If you have a sweet tooth, feel free to learn to make some tangyuan yourself!

About this Promo
This promo activity only lasts for twelve days, from 25 February 2015 to 8 March 2015. For this promo activity, there are only two modes for you to attempt - Easy Mode and Hard Mode. Regardless of which mode you are attempting, my advice would be - please get a friend to play this promo with you. It is really much much easier this way.

You will need to attempt Easy Mode first because Hard Mode is locked, until you have fulfilled its requirements. To unlock Hard Mode, you can either play Easy Mode seven times or fulfill Dr. Octopus' satiation four times in Easy Mode (feed him until he has enough "yuanxiao"). your tickets...
First thing first, you must remember to login daily and claim your free tickets. Two free tickets are given out each day. If you miss one day, you miss two free tickets. If, for whatever reasons that you may have, you do not use up your tickets, they ARE NOT FORFEITED...until the promo ends. So, do not worry if you forgot to use up your tickets, they will still be there tomorrow (they will disappear when the promo disappears).

More tickets please??
There you go again, always complaining that you do not have enough tickets...well, who doesn't want more tickets, right? Okay, I'm not supposed to leak out this secret (Dr. Octopus is going to bash me up if he finds out, so please don't tell him that you heard this from me) but you can actually claim three free tickets each day. Where can you get the third ticket from? Do you see where the finger is pointing towards in the below photo? Yes, yes, that orange button which says" Go get it". Go ahead and "go get it".

Not to worry, you do not need to purchase the tickets (unless you really want to, buying ten tickets seem to be a really good deal). You can actually exchange 30X Golden Spoon gems for one free ticket each day!

The Golden Spoon gem is produced by the very exclusive Dumpling Soup Fish. The Dumpling Soup Fish could only be purchased during a past promotion. If you do not have a Dumpling Soup Fish and you do not have enough Golden Spoon gems, you can always visit your friends' aquarium. Most players have released Dumpling Soup Fish into their aquariums. Hurry and visit your friends today!

This promo is not that hard, but you need to pay attention and act quickly. A row of "yuanxiao" (they look like colorful balls) will appear on top of Dr. Octopus (dressed in a Chinese headgear). Dr. Octopus is hungry and he wants to eat his yuanxiao. The problem is the yuanxiao are in different colors...There are two or three buttons at the bottom of the promo page, depending on whether you are attempting Easy Mode or Hard Mode. In Easy Mode, there will be two buttons with different colors, corresponding to the row of "yuanxiao" in the challenge.

The aim of the game is to tap on the button which color corresponds with the "yuanxiao" (the first one appearing before you). For example, if the color of the "yuanxiao" is purple, then tap on the purple button. Remember, try to get a friend to play this promo with you.

There are two bars beside Dr. Octopus, one on the left, one of the right. The left bar is the satiation bar - this actually represents the number of "yuanxiao" that Dr. Octopus wants to eat before he is satisfied (that's why it is called the satiation bar). The right bar is the combo bar - the more combos you create, the more bonuses you get.

What do I get??
If you do well in this promo, you can get a Dumpling Fish and a Wish Lantern Fish! In order to get both fishes, you have no choice but to attempt both Easy Mode and Hard Mode.

Am I the only one who feels that the name of this fish is familiar to another one??

I "wish" for a "lantern"...

Alright, I have explained all that I know about this promo. Now it is up to you to win those fishes...go on, take on the challenge! Chinese New Year is only halfway through...will this be the last promo in conjunction with the festive celebration? Who knows...

Happy fishing and Happy Chinese New Year!!
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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Time-Limited Synth Game: Gems Required for 16 March to 15 April 2015

Time really does case you have not realized yet, it is already the first of March! As usual, the Daily Stamps feature in Happy Fish is renewed today and we are seeing some hints on what are the gems required for the next time-limited synth game! Yes!!

P.S. The current time-limited synth fish - Mysterious Narwhal - will only be available up to 15 March 2015. Come 16 March 2015, the Mysterious Narwhal will be replaced with a new time-limited synth fish. We are not told what the new synth fish is about yet, but Happy Fish makes known to us the three gems required in advance. What does this mean?? This means that you can start collecting gems for the next time-limited synth fish!!

To make things simple, I have listed out all the information that you need to know about the three gems required for the next time-limited synth game (this is a really lengthy term!) and also the fishes which produce those gems...
  • Gem 1: Crystal Apple (Red) gem produced by Red Apple
  • Gem 2: Deepsea Shell (Green) gem produced by Deepsea Ghostfish (Green)
  • Gem 3: Purple Shell gem produced by Purple Anthias

Those names make no sense to you? Don't ring a bell? Not to worry...look further below for more graphical explanation :p

Gem 1: Crystal Apple (Red) gem produced by Red Apple

Um...what if I don't have any Red Apple fish? Then hurry and buy some from the Store today. Each Red Apple fish only costs 2,888 coins. That is really cheap!

Gem 2: Deepsea Shell (Green) gem produced by Deepsea Ghostfish (Green)

There is no way to purchase Deepsea Ghostfish (Green)...but the good news is you can get one from the Gem Exchange feature, yay!

Gem 3 Purple Shell gem produced by Purple Anthias

Now, don't freak out but getting a Purple Anthias is not going to be an easy task. You need to be patient and you need a lot of luck on your side. Purple Anthias is only obtainable from the Synth Game - you cannot get it anywhere else. The good news is that Purple Anthias IS NOT a time-limited synth fish. This means that you can always try to get a Purple Anthias from the Synth Game anytime you want.

P.S. Click HERE to see more recipe/formula to synth a Purple Anthias.

Of course, you can always collect gems from other players by visiting their aquariums. If it is within your ability, do remember to release these three fishes into your Display Tank. Make sure your fishes have produced gems too, otherwise your friends will be disappointed when they visit your aquarium. Most importantly, please turn on the light, otherwise your friends won't be able to see the fishes in your Display Tank!

Happy Fishing!
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